Truth Of Life Pdf Download >
Truth Of Life Pdf Download
During this short period, one should not allow temporary passions to control one. Nevertheless, disbelievers who cannot comprehend this fact spend their lives in vain being forgetful of Allah. Similarly, someone may crave others' stately mansions or opulent houses with more rooms than occupants and with gold-plated fixtures, which once he has seen, he loses interest in his own house and cannot avoid regarding them with envy. Someone who does not trust Allah would say, "I spent my life chasing vain pursuits. Adnan Oktar (30 April 2016) First-time explanations by Adnan Oktar Continue New Statements by Mr.
They have endless wishes and desires. Time works against both what is good and what is new. Adnan Oktar that are present in our website and in all other Harun Yahya works belong to Global Publication Ltd. No sooner does a brand-new car go out of fashion than another model is designed, manufactured and marketed. That is all that remains from what she says was "a long life of seventy years". That is simply because she cannot comprehend that the universe, all living things and human beings have predetermined purposes to fulfil in life. (John Owen Farquhar), 1858-1944 texts eye 747 favorite 0 comment 0 John W. She would simply remark that her life has not been a "long" one as she dreamed in her teens it would be. Excerpts from conversations Continue Hypocrites try to suppress the love between Muslims with lie. Is it that I lived for people of whom I have only dim memories now? For my parents? For my husband whom I lost years ago? Or my children whom I see rarely now that they have their own families? I am confused.
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